

A summary of the revenue components and assets included in the ERCOT Benchmark.

The ERCOT BESS Index page shows a time series chart of revenue for the full fleet, a breakdown of revenue for each asset, and a table of each asset's key performance attributes.

Index time series

The time series graph shows the entire battery fleet's combined revenue by category (Ancillary Services, Day-Ahead energy, and Real-Time energy). There are also two lines, the 1-hour index and 2-hour index, that show revenue across all categories for 1-hour batteries and 2-hour batteries.

The box in the top lefthand corner shows the fleet's overall revenue in all categories, across the time period you selected.

Select a time period using the buttons in the upper righthand corner. The 1-Day view will show periods of 15-minutes, the 1-Month view will show daily periods, and so on. The units used will change based on the period. 15-minute periods show revenue as $/MW/hour, and daily periods and larger show revenue as $/MW/year.

Index breakdown

The index breakdown graph shows the revenues by detailed categories for each asset in ERCOT. Ancillary Services are broken into the specific services - Reg Up/Down, Responsive Reserve Service, ERCOT Contingency Reserve Service, and Non-Spin Reserve Service. Refer to the page on Ancillary Services for more information on these services.This breakdown is shown for a monthly timeframe. You can select the month by clicking the calendar in the righthand corner.

Click the settings button in the righthand corner to select the units to use ($/hr, $/month, or $/year) and whether to normalize by asset rated power (MW) or storage capacity (MWh).

You can make legend labels appear / disappear by clicking them, to isolate revenue components.

Asset data table

This is a tabular view of each asset's key performance statistics:

  • Site - the name of the battery site. Click this name to see the asset's Directory page.
  • Owner - the entity that owns the asset.
  • Capacity (MW) - the rated power of the asset.
  • Energy capacity (MWh) - the energy storage capacity of the asset.
  • Monthly revenue ($/MW/year) - the asset's total earnings in the selected month.
  • Ancillary services - the percent of the asset's revenue in the selected month that came from Ancillary Services (as opposed to Real-Time or Day-Ahead energy).
  • Availability - the percent of hours in the month during which the battery was operating.

More detailed information about assets can be found on the Directory page.