

  • Capacity Market payments are now included in the GB BESS Index. Benchmark Pro users are able to revert to the old view and exclude Capacity Market payments using the 'Include Longterm Contracts' option in the Index settings.

Triads 2023/24

by Charlie Eardley

ESO have published the final Triads for the 2023 winter season, and these are now included in our Benchmark.


  • Balancing Reserve market colour changed to hot coral 🪸


  • Balancing Reserve revenues now displayed on all charts across Benchmarking. Now you can see BR revenues at settlement period resolution for individual assets

Indices page

Today we launched our brand new Indices page, which paves the way for us adding more and more indices to the platform. Now you can see all the GB BESS Indices, and our shiny new ERCOT BESS Indices on one chart.

Don't worry, all the functionality you've got used to is still available - you can click through on any of the indices in the Indices data table to get back to the charts you've come to love.

Custom date picker

A hotly requested feature by our users - now you can select any start and end date, and the Index Overview chart will update to show the BESS Indices over that time period. This is live on the Index Overview chart today, and will be coming to the rest of the Benchmarking charts in the coming releases.


  • New Indices page
  • Custom date picker

Balancing Reserve added

by Charlie Eardley


  • [GB] Balancing Reserve revenues - read more about this new service and how we calculate revenues in the methodology

Manifest Error claims

by Charlie Eardley


  • [GB] Manifest Error claims - Balancing Mechanism actions which we expect to be revoked by ESO are no longer included in the Benchmark. Read more about the changes here.